Monday, March 4, 2013


Joshua S. Porter, The Joke that We Play on the World (Published by Joshua S. Porter, 2011). Paperback, 257 pages.


Review by Kevin A. Penrod, Jr.

This is yet another book written by Joshua S. Porter (who also uses the name Joshua Dies). He writes about his life and the lives of his mates in the band Showbread and, as Josh puts it on the back cover, "the relativity of madness and its toll on our lives." I will say this book is utter madness. I know it sounds strange but they truly love and worship the Lord through madness. Josh takes you on quite the ride in the book; he tells you about the rise of his band and getting kicked out of the church in which the band was formed. I highly recommend this one, mostly because I have been a fan of Josh Showbread for a while now and they never disappoint me. I can only describe this book as a trip down the rabbit hole. You feel like you are there in the tour van as the band mates shoot themselves with a BB gun. You feel like you are there at their early shows where the crowd count was in the low teens. When I read the final page, I felt sad that the journey was over. It was the most fun and best journey I have had reading a book. Josh is truly gifted in writing and was gracious enough to share his journey with us.

This book is available from

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